Compensation Management & Pay Parity

Compensation is one of the important factors that influence the motivation of employees in an organisation. But when organisations plan the compensation schemes, they have to  consider a number of factors. Pay structures are designed in accordance with judgements about job values in comparison with other jobs, and markets rates of pay for comparable jobs. These judgements are made against the background of the factors which influence job values. Job values may be established by using some form of job evaluation. The primary objective of a compensation system is to administer an effective and equitable pay system. It can be affected by various factors which are as follows: 

1. Organizational Provisions : Organizational provision states that the level of compensation largely depends upon organizational operating policies and procedures. It is because the policies serve as a guideline for formulating and implementing compensation plans and programs. Moreover, organizational regulations, plans, objectives, ability for pay etc. also affect the level of pay.

2. Government Regulations: In order to protect the working class from wage exploitation by strong employers, the government enacts various laws and judicial decisions. Such laws and regulations affect compensation management. Because, they emphasize on minimum wage rate, overtime rate, working hours, equal pay for equal work, payment of bonus, etc. So, an
organization has to design its pay system as per the government rules and regulations.

3. Equity Considerations: Equity considerations hold the philosophy that the compensation system should be fair and equitable. It means the compensation system should be similar for
the same type of work within the organization. Similarly, it should be fair relative to what other people get for the similar job in another organization. It is important because any imbalance between what the employees contribute and what they obtain as return would lead to greater job dissatisfaction, employee turnover and absenteeism.

4. Union Pressure: Labour unions are pressure groups that work in the interest of the workers. Such unions lobby the management for the formulation of fair compensation plans. 
These organized unions can ensure better wages for employees. 

5. Job Analysis and Evaluation Report: Job analysis is a method through which necessary information about the contents and the contexts of the job is made available to determine the value of each job. The job evaluation is a process of determining the value/worth of a job so that a payment system can be specified. Job analysis and job evaluation determine the relative worth of job which ultimately assist for compensation management. Hence, it is regarded as an important factor of compensation management. 

6. Cost of Living: Compensation is concerned with an overall return that an employee obtains from the organization for rendering contributions towards organization objectives. Therefore,
the payment should be adequate to maintain the cost of living of the employees. Hence, the employer should manage compensation viewing the cost of living of each individual.

7. Organizational Positions: Sometimes, the organization itself evaluates where it is in order to prepare compensation plans. The position of the organization is determined by its productivity i.e, if the productivity of the worker is high, it assess itself as a higher position. As a consequence of it, the compensation system is determined at a higher level.
Contrary to it, in case of lower productivity, wages/salary rates tend to be low. Thus, any shift in productivity and employee performance has direct impact on the wage level of the organization. 

8. Productivity of Workers: Another factor of compensation management is the productivity of workers. This is the new concept of linking pay with employee performance. Under it, if the workers are highly productive, they get high compensation as compared to less productive workers. Productivity is a key factor as it enhances organization’s image and status.


Unknown said...

Dear Sir,

Thanks for sharing such valuable information....

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,

Thanks for sharing such valuable info.....

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